Government Saadat College
Karatia, Tangail-1903
Established: 1926
College Code: 0070, NU Code: 5301, EIIN: 114747

Karatia, Tangail-1903
Established: 1926
College Code: 0070, NU Code: 5301, EIIN: 114747
Thanks for visiting our department. We will update soon
Description Vision To keep pace with
globalization and the 4th industrial revolation SDG-4 specifies ÔÔInclusive
and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities
for all.” This institution is
dedicated to reach that goal by producing dynamic human resources of due
efficiency and morality. Mission: To ensure quality education for all students so that they can satisfactorily face the challenges of the 4th Industrial revolution as efficient human resoures.
Number of students
Number of Teachers
Academic staff
Designation: Computer Operator Email: emranemonvj@gmail.com Home District: Tangail