The Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Government Saadat College

Karatia, Tangail-1903

Established: 1926

College Code: 0070, NU Code: 5301, EIIN: 114747

College Management System (CMS)


It is an honour for me to have been a part of Government Saadat College, Karatia, Tangail which is known as the Aligarh of Bengal. With much respect and reverence, we recall the contributions of Maulavi Wazed Ali Khan Panni, the founder of Government Saadat College, along with educationist and founding Principal Ibrahim Khan.  It has been playing a significant role in expanding higher education in this region since 1926.

It is a matter of pleasure that we have recently launched a College Management System (CMS) as well as a full-fledged dynamic website to integrate all our teachers, students and their guardians to a single platform for academic and administrative purposes. I believe and hope that this effort will certainly add a new dimension to the development of Smart Bangladesh. I think, it will help create more scopes to ensure quality education of the college.



Govt. Saadat College

Karatia, Tangail.