The Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Government Saadat College

Karatia, Tangail-1903

Established: 1926

College Code: 0070, NU Code: 5301, EIIN: 114747

College Management System (CMS)

Professor Mohd. Moniruzzaman Miah

I am glad to host a College Management System (CMS) as well as a full-fledged dynamic website to meet the needs of all concerned about Government Saadat College, Karatia, Tangail.  I hope, this site & CMS will play a vital role in the continuous journey towards the information super highway of Smart Bangladesh Vision 2041 of honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina implementing the dream of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the nation. It will definitely enhance the administrative efficiency and save time as well. All our teachers, students and their guardians will be united to a unique unison. The famous Zamindar of the sub-continent Maulavi Wazed Ali Khan Panni along with the whole-hearted support of founding Principal Ibrahim Khan founded this college which was known as the Aligarh of Bengal. The Institution has been contributing greatly to the amelioration of education since 1926.
We are looking ahead to a tremendous success and prosperity in near future.      

Govt. Saadat College
Karatia, Tangail.